Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How will I know my donation was received?
Email notification will confirm your donation was received. Recurring donations receive notification just prior to, and when each donation is processed.
Is it safe and secure?
Online donations meet the same security standards as online banking. Just be sure to use a secure internet connection (not a public wi-fi spot).
Do I need to receive envelopes in the mail?
Envelope packets that you receive in the mail include Special Collections in addition to weekly giving to our parish. If you would like to donate to any of these Special Collections, please continue to use your envelopes. If you no longer wish to receive envelopes, please call the office.
Lisa Burghardt
Business Manager
[email protected]
Parishioners and friends of Saint Ann, we are excited to offer online giving for recurring as well as one-time donations! Simply make a secure donation via electronic check or debit/credit using the form on this page.
Your donations help us fulfill our parish mission, maintain and improve our facilities. Thank you for your generosity!
You will continue to receive donation envelopes in the mail. These envelope packets include special collections beyond weekly giving to our parish. If you would like to discontinue receiving envelopes, please call the office at 610-933-3732.
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